After making its debut at this year’s South by Southwest Festival, “Birders: The Central Park Effect”, a documentary written and directed by Jeffrey Kimball, will begin a week-long run this Friday at Cinema Village in the East Village. The film focuses on the unexpected variety of birds found in the urban oasis and a dedicated, eccentric and equally varied group of people who follow them, including acclaimed author Jonathan Franzen. It contains spectacular footage of wildlife and captures the beauty of changing seasons in the park.
The film comes out on the heels of the Audubon’s Annual Central Park Christmas Bird Count, which reported 5, 721 birds in this year’s count. Central Park, which is designated one of Audubon’s Important Bird Areas, attracts as many as 275 species of birds during spring migration.
The film runs 60 minutes and will show daily at 3pm and 7pm, until January 24th.
For tickets and theater information click here.
Follow on Pinterest to see the Birds of Central Park.